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Learn English Words the Easy Way: Play Vocabulary Games Online

English Vocabulary Games: How to Learn New Words While Having Fun

Do you want to improve your English vocabulary but find it boring or difficult to memorize new words? If so, you are not alone. Many English learners struggle with vocabulary acquisition and retention. However, there is a fun and effective way to learn new words while having fun: playing vocabulary games!


What are vocabulary games and why are they useful?

Vocabulary games are activities that involve using words in various ways, such as matching, guessing, spelling, or creating. They can be played individually or in groups, with or without a teacher, and online or offline. Vocabulary games are useful for several reasons:

english vocabulary games

  • They make learning vocabulary enjoyable and motivating.

  • They provide meaningful and contextualized exposure to new words.

  • They help learners practice and review vocabulary in different situations.

  • They enhance learners' memory and recall of vocabulary.

  • They develop learners' communication and thinking skills.

Types of vocabulary games and how to play them

There are many types of vocabulary games that you can play to learn new words while having fun. In this article, we will introduce four main categories of vocabulary games: matching games, word games, board games, and online games. We will also give you some examples of each type of game and explain their benefits for vocabulary learning.

Matching Games

What are matching games and how do they work?

Matching games are vocabulary games that involve finding pairs or groups of words that have some kind of relationship, such as synonyms, antonyms, definitions, categories, or collocations. To play matching games, you need a set of cards or tiles with words on them. You can either make your own cards or use ready-made ones. You can also use online tools or apps to create or play matching games.

Examples of matching games and their benefits

Vocabulary Pictionary

Vocabulary Pictionary is a game of charades where players draw words instead of acting them out. To play:

  • Split the group into teams.

  • One player from each team picks a card with a word on it.

  • The player tries to draw the word on a board or paper without using any letters or symbols.

  • The other players from the same team try to guess the word within a time limit.

  • If they guess correctly, they get a point. If not, the other team gets a chance to guess.

  • The team with the most points at the end wins.

Vocabulary Pictionary is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners visualize and associate words with images.

It activates learners Word Association

Word Association is a game where players say the first word that comes to their mind when they hear another word. To play:

  • One player starts by saying a word.

  • The next player says the first word that comes to their mind when they hear the previous word.

  • The game continues until someone repeats a word, says an unrelated word, or hesitates for too long.

  • The player who makes a mistake is out of the game.

  • The last player remaining wins.

Word Association is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners activate and recall words quickly.

  • It helps learners discover and learn new words from other players.

  • It helps learners practice and improve their fluency and pronunciation.

Matching Pairs

Matching Pairs is a game where players have to find pairs of cards that match in some way, such as synonyms, antonyms, definitions, or categories. To play:

Vocabulary Pictionary

Word Association

Vocabulary Hangman

Word Search


Word Scramble



Sushi Spell


Matching Games

Matching Pairs Games

Matching Similes Games

Topic Games

Hangman Games

Crossword Games

Online ESL Games

Vocabulary Quiz

Spelling Bee

Word Ladder

Anagram Game

Synonym Game

Antonym Game

Homonym Game

Idiom Game

Prefix Game

Suffix Game

Root Word Game

Compound Word Game

Rhyming Word Game

Word Chain Game

Taboo Game

Charades Game

Bingo Game

Memory Game

Categories Game

I Spy Game

Twenty Questions Game

Odd One Out Game

Definition Game

Synonyms and Antonyms Game

Word Formation Game

Collocation Game

Phrasal Verb Game

Guess the Word Game

Word Building Game

Word Jumble Game

Word Maze Game

Word Snake Game

Word Wheel Game

  • Shuffle the cards and place them face down on a table.

  • One player turns over two cards and reads them aloud.

  • If the cards match, the player keeps them and gets another turn.

  • If the cards do not match, the player turns them back over and the next player takes a turn.

  • The game ends when all the cards are matched.

  • The player with the most pairs wins.

Matching Pairs is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners recognize and remember words and their meanings, forms, or uses.

  • It helps learners expand their vocabulary by exposing them to different words and their relationships.

  • It helps learners develop their concentration and memory skills.

Matching Similes

Matching Similes is a game where players have to find pairs of cards that form a simile, which is a figure of speech that compares two things using the words "like" or "as". For example, "as cold as ice" or "like a fish out of water". To play:

  • Shuffle the cards and place them face down on a table.

  • One player turns over two cards and reads them aloud.

  • If the cards form a simile, the player keeps them and gets another turn.

  • If the cards do not form a simile, the player turns them back over and the next player takes a turn.

  • The game ends when all the cards are matched.

  • The player with the most pairs wins.

Matching Similes is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners understand and use figurative language, which can make their speech or writing more expressive and creative.

  • It helps learners learn new words and their meanings by comparing them to familiar things.

  • It helps learners practice and improve their pronunciation and intonation by stressing the words in the simile.

Word Games

What are word games and how do they work?

Word games are vocabulary games that involve forming, finding, or guessing words from letters, clues, or definitions. To play word games, you need a pen and paper, a board or grid, or an online tool or app. Word games can be played individually or in groups, with or without a timer.

Examples of word games and their benefits

Vocabulary Hangman

Vocabulary Hangman is a game where players have to guess a word by guessing its letters. To play:

  • One player thinks of a word and writes dashes on a paper to represent each letter of the word.

  • The other player guesses a letter that might be in the word.

  • If the letter is in the word, the first player writes it on the corresponding dash.

  • If the letter is not in the word, the first player draws a part of a hangman figure on a gallows.

  • The game continues until the second player guesses the word or the hangman figure is complete.

  • If the second player guesses the word, they win. If not, they lose.

Vocabulary Hangman is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce spelling and pronunciation of words.

  • It helps learners expand their vocabulary by exposing them to new words or challenging them to think of uncommon words.

  • It helps learners develop their strategic and deductive skills by choosing letters wisely and using clues from previous guesses.

Word Search

Word Search is a game where players have to find hidden words in a grid of letters. To play:

  • Choose a theme or topic for the words, such as animals, colors, or food.

  • Create or print a grid of letters with the words hidden in it. You can use online tools or apps to generate word search puzzles.

  • Give the grid and a list of words to the players.

  • The players have to find and circle the words in the grid. The words can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or backwards.

  • The player who finds the most words in the shortest time wins.

Word Search is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners recognize and remember words and their spellings.

  • It helps learners learn new words and their meanings by matching them to the theme or topic.

  • It helps learners improve their visual and scanning skills by looking for words in different directions.


Crossword is a game where players have to fill in a grid of white squares with words that fit the given clues. To play:

  • Create or print a grid of white and black squares with numbered clues. You can use online tools or apps to generate crossword puzzles.

  • Give the grid and the clues to the players.

  • The players have to write the words that match the clues in the grid. The words can be across or down.

  • The player who fills in the grid correctly and completely wins.

Crossword is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce vocabulary and its usage in sentences or phrases.

  • It helps learners expand their vocabulary by exposing them to synonyms, antonyms, definitions, or examples of words.

  • It helps learners develop their logical and problem-solving skills by using clues and cross-references.

Word Scramble

Word Scramble is a game where players have to unscramble letters to form words. To play:

  • Choose a theme or topic for the words, such as animals, colors, or food.

  • Create or print a list of words related to the theme or topic and scramble their letters. You can use online tools or apps to generate word scramble puzzles.

  • Give the list of scrambled words to the players.

  • The players have to rearrange the letters to form the correct words.

  • The player who unscrambles the most words in the shortest time wins.

Word Scramble is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce spelling and pronunciation of words.

  • It helps learners learn new words and their meanings by matching them to the theme or topic.

  • It helps learners improve their analytical and creative skills by finding patterns and possibilities in the letters.

Board Games

What are board games and how do they work?

Board games are vocabulary games that involve using words on a board or a card to score points, win tiles, or complete tasks. To play board games, you need a board or a card with words or letters on it, and some tokens, dice, or cards. Board games can be played individually or in groups, with or without a timer.

Examples of board games and their benefits


Scrabble is a game where players have to form words on a board using letter tiles. To play:

  • Shuffle the letter tiles and place them face down on a table.

  • Each player draws seven tiles and places them on their rack.

  • The first player forms a word on the board using their tiles and adds up the points on the tiles. The word must cross the center square.

  • The next player forms a word on the board using their tiles and connecting it to an existing word. They also add up the points on the tiles.

  • The game continues until all the tiles are used or no more words can be formed.

  • The player with the highest score wins.

Scrabble is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce vocabulary and its usage in different combinations.

  • It helps learners expand their vocabulary by exposing them to new words or challenging them to think of rare words.

  • It helps learners develop their strategic and mathematical skills by choosing words that score high points or use bonus squares.


Scattergories is a game where players have to think of words that start with a certain letter and belong to a certain category. To play:

  • Choose or print a list of categories, such as animals, colors, or food.

  • Roll a letter dice or choose a letter randomly.

  • Set a timer for a few minutes.

  • Each player writes down a word that starts with the letter and fits the category for each category on the list.

  • When the timer runs out, the players compare their words.

  • The player who has the most unique words that no one else has wins.

Scattergories is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce vocabulary and its usage in different categories.

  • It helps learners expand their vocabulary by exposing them to new words or challenging them to think of uncommon words.

  • It helps learners improve their speed and creativity by thinking of words under time pressure.


Boggle is a game where players have to find words in a grid of letters. To play:

  • Shake a box with 16 letter dice and place them on a tray to form a 4x4 grid of letters.

  • Set a timer for three minutes.

  • Each player writes down as many words as they can find in the grid. The words must be at least three letters long and formed by connecting adjacent letters horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The same letter cannot be used more than once in a word.

  • When the timer runs out, the players compare their words.

  • The player who has the most valid words that no one else has wins.

Boggle is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners recognize and remember words and their spellings.

  • It helps learners learn new words and their meanings by finding them in the grid.

  • It helps learners improve their visual and scanning skills by looking for words in different directions.


Taboo is a game where players have to describe a word without using certain forbidden words. To play:

  • Split the group into teams.

  • One player from each team picks a card with a word and a list of forbidden words on it.

  • The player tries to make their team guess the word by giving clues, but without using any of the forbidden words or any part of the word.

  • The other players from the same team try to guess the word within a time limit.

  • If they guess correctly, they get a point. If not, or if the player uses a forbidden word, the other team gets a point.

  • The team with the most points at the end wins.

Taboo is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce vocabulary and its usage in different contexts.

  • It helps learners expand their vocabulary by exposing them to synonyms, antonyms, definitions, or examples of words.

  • It helps learners develop their communication and thinking skills by describing words in different ways.

Online Games

What are online games and how do they work?

Online games are vocabulary games that can be played on a computer, tablet, or smartphone using an internet connection. Online games can be interactive, multimedia, or adaptive. They can also provide feedback, scores, or levels. Online games can be played individually or in groups, with or without a timer.

Examples of online games and their benefits

Sushi Spell

Sushi Spell is an online game where players have to make as many words as they can from a conveyor belt of sushi letters. To play:

  • Go to .

  • Click on "Start Game".

  • Select the letters from the conveyor belt to form words. The words must be at least three letters long and valid in English.

  • Click on "Submit" to score the words.

  • The game ends when the time runs out or when there are no more letters left.

  • The player with the highest score wins.

Sushi Spell is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce spelling and pronunciation of words.

  • It helps learners expand their vocabulary by exposing them to new words or challenging them to think of rare words.

  • It helps learners improve their speed and creativity by forming words under time pressure.


Wordshake is an online game where players have to make as many words as they can from 16 random letters in three minutes. To play:

  • Go to .

  • Click on "Start Game".

  • Select the letters from the grid to form words. The words must be at least three letters long and valid in English.

  • Click on "Enter" to score the words.

  • The game ends when the time runs out.

  • The player with the highest score wins.

Wordshake is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce spelling and pronunciation of words.

  • It helps learners expand their vocabulary by exposing them to new words or challenging them to think of rare words.

  • It helps learners improve their speed and creativity by forming words under time pressure.

Games to Learn English

Games to Learn English is a website that offers a variety of online games for vocabulary learning. The games are divided into different topics, such as animals, clothes, food, or sports. The games include matching, spelling, listening, or typing activities. To play:

  • Go to .

  • Choose a topic and a game that you want to play.

  • Follow the instructions and complete the tasks.

  • You can see your score and progress at the end of each game.

Games to Learn English is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce vocabulary and its usage in different topics.

  • It helps learners learn new words and their meanings by matching them to images, sounds, or definitions.

  • It helps learners practice and improve their spelling, listening, or typing skills by completing different tasks.

British Council Vocabulary Games

British Council Vocabulary Games is a website that offers a variety of online games for vocabulary learning. The games are divided into different levels, from beginner to advanced. The games include matching, spelling, listening, or choosing activities. To play:

  • Go to .

  • Choose a level and a game that you want to play.

  • Follow the instructions and complete the tasks.

  • You can see your score and feedback at the end of each game.

British Council Vocabulary Games is beneficial for vocabulary learning because:

  • It helps learners review and reinforce vocabulary and its usage in different levels.

  • It helps learners learn new words and their meanings by matching them to images, sounds, or definitions.

  • It helps learners practice and improve their spelling, listening, or choosing skills by completing different tasks.


Summary of the main points and recommendations

In conclusion, vocabulary games are a fun and effective way to learn new words while having fun. They can help learners improve their vocabulary in various ways, such as:

  • Making learning vocabulary enjoyable and motivating.

  • Providing meaningful and contextualized exposure to new words.

  • Helping learners practice and review vocabulary in different situations.

  • Enhancing learners' memory and recall of vocabulary.

  • Developing learners' communication and thinking skills.

We have introduced four main categories of vocabulary games: matching games, word games, board games, and online games. We have also given you some examples of each type of game and explained their benefits for vocabulary learning. We recommend that you try some of these games and see how they can help you improve your English vocabulary. You can also create your own games or find more games online. Remember, the more you play, the more you learn!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are some tips for playing vocabulary games?

Some tips for playing vocabulary games are:

  • Choose games that suit your level, interest, and goal.

  • Play with a partner or a group to make it more fun and interactive.

  • Use a dictionary or an online tool to check the meaning, spelling, or pronunciation of words.

  • Keep track of your progress and score to see how much you have improved.

  • Repeat the games regularly to review and reinforce the words you have learned.

  • How can I make my own vocabulary games?

You can make your own vocabulary games by using some simple materials or tools, such as:

  • Cards or tiles with words or letters on them.

  • Paper and pen to write words or clues.

  • A board or a grid to place words or letters on it.

  • Tokens, dice, or cards to score points or move on the board.

  • An online tool or app to generate or play vocabulary games.

  • How can I find more vocabulary games online?

You can find more vocabulary games online by searching for keywords such as:

  • Vocabulary games

  • Vocabulary exercises

  • Vocabulary quizzes

  • Vocabulary puzzles

You can also visit some websites that offer a variety of vocabulary games, such as:






  • How can I use vocabulary games in the classroom or at home?

You can use vocabulary games in the classroom or at home to make your vocabulary learning more fun and effective. You can use vocabulary games to:

  • Introduce or review new words or topics.

  • Practice or test vocabulary in different skills, such as reading, writing, listening, or speaking.

  • Reinforce or consolidate vocabulary in different contexts, such as grammar, pronunciation, or collocations.

  • Engage or motivate learners to participate and interact with each other.

  • Provide feedback or assessment on learners' vocabulary knowledge and progress.

  • What are some challenges or limitations of vocabulary games?

Vocabulary games are not without challenges or limitations. Some of them are:

  • Vocabulary games may not cover all the words or aspects of vocabulary that learners need to know.

  • Vocabulary games may not suit all learners' preferences, levels, or learning styles.

  • Vocabulary games may not be available or accessible for all learners, especially online games.

  • Vocabulary games may require time, effort, or resources to prepare, play, or evaluate.

  • Vocabulary games may cause distraction, confusion, or frustration for some learners if they are too easy, too hard, or too competitive.

Therefore, it is important to choose and use vocabulary games wisely and appropriately according to your goals, needs, and situation.

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about vocabulary games. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below. Thank you for reading and happy playing! 44f88ac181

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